首页>>产品中心>>标准精度GNSS模块>>Ublox 原装模块


  • The NEO-6 module series is a family of stand-alone GPS receivers featuring the high performance u-blox 6
    positioning engine. These flexible and cost effective receivers offer numerous connectivity options in a miniature
    16 x 12.2 x 2.4 mm package. Their compact architecture and power and memory options make NEO-6 modules
    ideal for battery operated mobile devices with very strict cost and space constraints.
    The 50-channel u-blox 6 positioning engine boasts a Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) of under 1 second. The dedicated
    acquisition engine, with 2 million correlators, is capable of massive parallel time/frequency space searches,
    enabling it to find satellites instantly. Innovative design and technology suppresses jamming sources and
    mitigates multipath effects, giving NEO-6 GPS receivers excellent navigation performance even in the most
    challenging environments. 
  • 版权所有:深圳市君诺达科技有限公司|高精度GNSS模块定制厂家,供应商,服务商,想了解价格,多少钱,哪家好请联系我们.   网站建设:深圳北易 粤ICP备14057138号-2 网站地图
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